
Mobetron IORT

Advancing the frontier of medical innovation, Deep Sky teamed up with OVO to create an animated 3D visualization of IntraOp's groundbreaking device, the Mobetron IORT. The revolutionary product is one of the most cost-effective resources for cancer centers and patients, and is the first mobile, self-shielded electron-beam linear accelerator (LINAC) machine designed to deliver Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) to cancer patients during surgery.

Client: IntraOp Medical
Agency: OVO
Production Studio: Deep Sky
Executive Producer:
Jared Hobbs
James Horn

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Advancing the frontier of medical innovation, Deep Sky teamed up with OVO to create an animated 3D visualization of IntraOp's groundbreaking device, the Mobetron IORT. The revolutionary product is one of the most cost-effective resources for cancer centers and patients, and is the first mobile, self-shielded electron-beam linear accelerator (LINAC) machine designed to deliver Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) to cancer patients during surgery.

Client: IntraOp Medical
Agency: OVO
Production Studio: Deep Sky
Executive Producer:
Jared Hobbs
James Horn

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Utilizing CAD models provided by the client, our team created 3D renders of the product. To demonstrate the product in use detecting things such as breast or pancreatic cancer, we created a 3D operating room environment.

Within this environment, we showed the Mobetron IORT in action, using it's technical features like it's degree of freedom, CT scanners, integrated treatment planning, precision dose delivery, and more. We also created animated versions of the device's intuitive user interface (UI). Viewers can now witness firsthand how the Mobetron seamlessly integrates into the surgical workflow, providing real-time feedback and data to guide physicians throughout the procedure.


Utilizing CAD models provided by the client, our team created 3D renders of the product. To demonstrate the product in use detecting things such as breast or pancreatic cancer, we created a 3D operating room environment.

Within this environment, we showed the Mobetron IORT in action, using it's technical features like it's degree of freedom, CT scanners, integrated treatment planning, precision dose delivery, and more. We also created animated versions of the device's intuitive user interface (UI). Viewers can now witness firsthand how the Mobetron seamlessly integrates into the surgical workflow, providing real-time feedback and data to guide physicians throughout the procedure.

Lighting and Visual Effects

For use as website assets and across other marketing and sales materials, the Deep Sky team also created stills with colorful and beautiful light streaks. Set in a plain environment, these multi-colored light streaks bring beauty and personality to a device that has a sleak and streamlined design.


Client: IntraOP
Agency: OVO
Production Studio: Deep Sky
Executive Producer: Jared Hobbs
Producer: James Horn
3D Artist: Elliott Bynum
3D Artist: Esli Becerra

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Static and dynamic content editing

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