
Brand Anthems and Conference Graphic Packages

In collaboration with Étage Creative, Deep Sky collaborated with the agency to produce a series of corporate videos for Hexagon's subsidiaries. Content ranged from company anthems, explainers, product releases, vision videos, and conference openers.

Hexagon's company anthems are usually scripted poetically requiring artists to convey complex subjects and ideas in  into simplified visuals that elegantly transform from scene to scene. Each anthem has an underlying protagonist we follow from start to finish, whether it's a line, sphere, or square. Every video evolves, yet stands on their own.

Client: Hexagon
Agency: Étage Creative
Animation: Deep Sky
Director: Jared Hobbs
Producer: Nikki Richter

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In collaboration with Étage Creative, Deep Sky collaborated with the agency to produce a series of corporate videos for Hexagon's subsidiaries. Content ranged from company anthems, explainers, product releases, vision videos, and conference openers.

Hexagon's company anthems are usually scripted poetically requiring artists to convey complex subjects and ideas in  into simplified visuals that elegantly transform from scene to scene. Each anthem has an underlying protagonist we follow from start to finish, whether it's a line, sphere, or square. Every video evolves, yet stands on their own.

Client: Hexagon
Agency: Étage Creative
Animation: Deep Sky
Director: Jared Hobbs
Producer: Nikki Richter

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Safety and Infrastructure

Shape of Potential

The Shape of Progress



Deep Sky produced a series of animated corporate videos for Hexagon promoting their individual departments and their unique missions within the company umbrella. Hexagon’s branding style is very specific, so a lot of time went into distinguishing the overall look and flow of the series. The challenge was taking ideas that were very complex and distilling them into simplified visuals that elegantly flowed with a poetic script.

We used basic shapes as a theme to reflect the Hexagon mission of “shaping smart change.” For Safety and Infrastructure, the “line” tells the story of how the department is “shaping outcomes.” A set of rules for sizing shapes had to be defined during asset creation to keep everything cohesive. We tweaked the conceptualized storyboards and designs for weeks until every scene complimented one another and flowed effortlessly.

The Shape of Progress

As part of a series of corporate animated videos Deep Sky and Etage produced for Hexagon, ‘Shaping Smart Change’ was the opener for the HxGN conference and essentially a purpose statement video for the Hexagon brand.

While we had already developed an overall visual style in the previous videos, determining the visuals meant really taking the time to understand Hexagon’s values and mission, with a lot of careful conceptualization and asset creation, so we could accurately reflect their message in a simplified and refined animated form. Particular attention needed to be paid to the script, narrator, and composer as well. Timing down to each frame was critical and each piece had to compliment each other perfectly to achieve a kind of fluidity and graceful flow.

Shape of Potential

For the most recent HxGN Live conference in Las Vegas, we teamed up with Etage to produce a live show open experience to introduce the keynote speaker with flair. Each year HxGN pushes to do something new that will wow the audience. This year our challenge was to design an 8,000-pixel wide video in the branded style of Hexagon while working with a professional dancer 600 miles away.

We had created a “rhythmic dance” between an eloquently written script and perfectly timed animation in the past for HxGN, but producing one in real time was a different story.  With a 100' x 16' screen and a 64' stage, timing and scale were naturally the biggest challenges. In order to create the dancer's silhouette character for the video, we had to do the math, the size of our dancer and screen and storyboard the keyframes. Our 2D animator hand drew rough character animations of the dancer to estimate tempo and timing for the animation. We Skyped in during a shoot in San Francisco to direct the the dancer's movements on green screen while referencing our animatic.

Safety & Infrastructure

Deep Sky produced a series of animated corporate videos for Hexagon promoting their individual departments and their unique missions within the company umbrella. Hexagon’s branding style is very specific, so a lot of time went into distinguishing the overall look and flow of the series. The challenge was taking ideas that were very complex and distilling them into simplified visuals that elegantly flowed with a poetic script.

We used basic shapes as a theme to reflect the Hexagon mission of “shaping smart change.” For Safety and Infrastructure, the “line” tells the story of how the department is “shaping outcomes.” A set of rules for sizing shapes had to be defined during asset creation to keep everything cohesive. We tweaked the conceptualized storyboards and designs for weeks until every scene complimented one another and flowed effortlessly.



In our second video for the Hexagon series Deep Sky produced with étage, we encountered a new challenge to add to the already demanding task of interpreting complex and poetic messaging into unique illustrative visuals that stayed cohesive with the existing brand.

The Change You Shape

'The Change You Shape' is one of our conference openers which played behind talent, timed with his poetry. Pretty awesome seeing this on a huge ultra-wide 8k stage screen!

HxGN Motion Identity


Conference Motion Graphics


The Shape of Progress
Client: Hexagon
Agency: Étage Creative
Script: Chris Fitzgerald
Animation Studio: Deep Sky
Director: Jared Hobbs
Producer: Nikki Richter
Art Director: Milan Erceg
Motion Graphics: Chip Webster
Motion Graphics: Milan Erceg
Motion Graphics: Nolan Lorch
Sound Effects: Michael Winters
Voice Over: Ulf Bjorklund

Safety and Infrastructure
Client: Hexagon
Agency: Étage Creative
Script: Chris Fitzgerald
Animation Studio: Deep Sky
Director: Jared Hobbs
Motion Designer: Milan Erceg
Motion Generalist: Nolan Lorch
Illustrations: Aaron Humphres
Voice Over: Ulf Bjorklund
Music: Darren Goldberg

Client: Hexagon
Agency: Étage Creative
Animation Studio: Deep Sky
Director: Jared Hobbs
Motion Designer: Milan Erceg
Motion Graphics: Chip Webster
3D modeling: Michael Johnson

Shape of Potential
Client: Hexagon
Agency: Étage Creative
Animation Studio: Deep Sky
Producer: Jared Hobbs
Art Director: Barret Thomson
Lead Motion Designer: Ben Drake
Technical animation: Esli Becerra
Storyboarding: Jack Ellis
3D modeling: Michael Johhson
Voice Over: Ulf Bjorklund
Music: Darren Goldberg

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.