Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation

3D Explainer and Safety Visualization Videos

USNC approached Deep Sky to produce a series of videos that promote and explain their state-of-the-art technology, which is setting the new standard for nuclear safety. From breaking through the stigma of nuclear energy to providing real information about the benefits of it as well, we knew we had a great opportunity in front of us.

We created full 3D environments for their reactors, including the underground parts of the reactor, the above-ground facilities, the communities they power, and their surrounding environment. Through a partial isometric animation style, we showed the functions of these facilities from fluid and gas simulations to how they react in the event of catastrophes like floods.

Client: USNC
Executive Producer: Jared Hobbs
Producer: James Horn
Creative Director: Elliott Bynum
Production Manager: Elliott Bynum

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USNC approached Deep Sky to produce a series of videos that promote and explain their state-of-the-art technology, which is setting the new standard for nuclear safety. From breaking through the stigma of nuclear energy to providing real information about the benefits of it as well, we knew we had a great opportunity in front of us.

We created full 3D environments for their reactors, including the underground parts of the reactor, the above-ground facilities, the communities they power, and their surrounding environment. Through a partial isometric animation style, we showed the functions of these facilities from fluid and gas simulations to how they react in the event of catastrophes like floods.

Client: USNC
Executive Producer: Jared Hobbs
Producer: James Horn
Creative Director: Elliott Bynum
Production Manager: Elliott Bynum

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MMR | A New Standard

Micro Modular Reactor | Life Cycle

USNC | MMR FARM (Timelapse)

NW Region Flyover

Arctic Region Flyover

Desert Region Flyover

The most important shots were safety-related, conveying the precautions that prevent environmental catastrophe by emphasizing the way reactor heat dissipates into the ground and the safe storage of used reactors. A simulation to demonstrate the MMR's ability to withstand natural disasters required us to simultaneously show both above- and below-ground facilities. Because its particular details make water so difficult to simulate—namely, the tiny size of fluid particles—our team rendered a destructive tidal wave that would adequately show the facility's capabilities.


For 'A New Standard,' we meticulously designed a 3D environment depicting an entire town, scaled to accommodate a population of 5,000, to effectively demonstrate the capabilities of the MMR reactor. The challenge lay in constructing a comprehensive environment that not only adhered to scientific accuracy but was also versatile enough to respond realistically to various fluid simulations. To achieve this, we tailored the environment's design to accommodate specific camera movements – whether it required a 3/4 angle, a wide-angle zoom-out, or a detailed close-up for fly-through shots.

Our primary objective with these videos was to deliver content that was both informative and scientifically accurate. We employed advanced techniques such as detailed environment modeling, complex visual effects (VFX), and hyper-realistic simulations to achieve this goal. Through this approach, we successfully communicated USNC's commitment to safety and showcased their cutting-edge technology. This comprehensive depiction not only highlighted the technical prowess of the MMR reactor but also emphasized its practical applicability in a real-world setting.

Micro Modular Reactor | Life Cycle

USNC approached us to produce a series of videos aimed at promoting the advanced technology behind their Micro Modular Reactor's Life Cycle. These videos were designed to illustrate the role of nuclear energy as a safe and environmentally responsible solution in addressing climate change challenges. To achieve this, we utilized realistic 3D visualizations, meticulously depicting both USNC's facilities and the communities they impact. Our approach in these videos was to provide clear, visual narratives that demonstrate the reactor's efficiency, safety, and its positive environmental implications. By showcasing detailed models of the facilities and the areas they serve, we aimed to underline the tangible benefits and real-world applications of USNC's innovative nuclear technology.

USNC | MMR FARM (Timelapse)

The MMR farm CGI timelapse video presents a hyper-realistic simulation of a 24-hour cycle, offering viewers a detailed look at how an MMR Ultra Farm operates in conjunction with wind and solar assets. This timelapse not only showcases the farm's ability to minimize electricity costs but also demonstrates its efficiency in meeting 100% of energy demand throughout the day.

The video effectively illustrates the dynamic interaction between the MMR system and renewable energy sources, emphasizing the farm's role in optimizing energy use and its potential impact on sustainable power generation.

Desert Region 3D Facility & Drone


MMR Lifecycle
Client: USNC
Executive Producer: Jared Hobbs
Producer: James Horn
Creative Director: Elliott Bynum
Production Manager: Elliott Bynum
Storyboards: Daniel Bueno
Motion Designer: Eric Neff
3D Designers: Kevin Atkins,
Daniel Bueno,
Aleks Kostrikin
Lighting/Shading: Alex Kostrikin,
Daniel Bueno
Compositing: Daniel Bueno
Animators: Daniel Bueno,
Jordan Heard,
Aleks Kostrikin
Character Rigs: Jordan Heard
Drone Operator: Taylor Donaldson

MMR | A New Standard
Client: USNC
Executive Producer: Jared Hobbs
Producer: James Horn
Creative Director: Elliott Bynum
Production Manager: Elliott Bynum
Storyboards: Daniel Bueno
Motion Designer: Daniel Bueno
3D Designers: Kevin Atkins,
Daniel Bueno,
Esli Becerra
Lighting/Shading: Daniel Bueno,
Aleks Kostrikin,
Esli Becerra
VFX Designer: Eric Reed, Esli Becerra
Compositing: Daniel Bueno
Animators: Daniel Bueno, Jordan Heard
Sound Design: Mikey Navarro
Drone Operator: Taylor Donaldson

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