It's The Little Things

Part 1: Winter

Grab a blanket, pour some tea, and cuddle up with “It’s The Little Things”, the first installment of Deep Sky's animated anthology series.

Happy holidays from all of us at Deep Sky. Enjoy time at home and spend it with your loved ones, even if that home is a tree stump and your loved one is a fuzzy caterpillar.

Producer: Maddie Loftesnes
Creative Lead: Gaby West
Illustration Lead: Finn Sylwester
Animation Lead: Jack Ellis
Concept Artists: Gaby West, Barret Thomson, and Adam DiTerlizzi
Illustrators: Hayley Purvis and Matthew Seely
3D Visualization: Israel Arias
Sound Design:  Blake Boxer

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Grab a blanket, pour some tea, and cuddle up with “It’s The Little Things”, the first installment of Deep Sky's animated anthology series.

Happy holidays from all of us at Deep Sky. Enjoy time at home and spend it with your loved ones, even if that home is a tree stump and your loved one is a fuzzy caterpillar.

Producer: Maddie Loftesnes
Creative Lead: Gaby West
Illustration Lead: Finn Sylwester
Animation Lead: Jack Ellis
Concept Artists: Gaby West, Barret Thomson, and Adam DiTerlizzi
Illustrators: Hayley Purvis and Matthew Seely
3D Visualization: Israel Arias
Sound Design:  Blake Boxer

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Producer: Maddie Loftesnes
Creative Lead: Gaby West
Illustration Lead: Finn Sylwester
Animation Lead: Jack Ellis
Concept Artists: Gaby West, Barret Thomson, and Adam DiTerlizzi
Illustrators: Hayley Purvis and Matthew Seely
3D Visualization: Israel Arias
Sound Design:  Blake Boxer

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